American-born Italian dancer, singer, TV personality and film director Heather Elizabeth Parisi was born 65 years ago in Los Angeles, California, is married and has 4 children.

At the age of 13, Heather moved to San Francisco by herself and 2 years later travelled to New York to study ballet.  She succeeded in winning 2 scholarships and later on, when she was 18, Parisi went on vacation to Italy.  She was noticed by a local choreographer who introduced her to famous presenter Pippo Baudo.  As an audition, Heather improvised a dance which went very well and led the way to the start of her dancing career .

In 1979, Heather made her career debut in the programme ‘Apriti Sabato’, followed by the variety show ‘Luna Park’.  She then appeared on several popular magazines as well as guest appeared on various TV shows, where she sang and danced.  Parisi became a TV star when she performed in the Italian Saturday night show ‘Fantastico’ by singing the programme’s opening song ‘Disco Bambina’ which instantly became a number one hit in the Italian hit parade for many weeks.  Towards the end of 1981 and beginning of 1982, another song, ‘Cicale’, was also a big success for Heather.  From then till now, Parisi released 6 albums, the last one issued in 2017.

Apart from singing and dancing, Heather also starred in a couple of movies as well as wrote and directed a film in 2009.  Moreover, she appeared in various TV shows like the ‘Zecchino D’Oro’, ‘Domenca In’ and ‘Ballando con le Stelle’, as well as 3 theatrical plays.


*Image: no infringement intended.  Source: lanostratv.it

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